Austral Little Athletics
Our Committee promotes a Child Safe Centre that complies with the Australian guidelines. We are dedicated to providing a fun environment where kids can learn new skills in family friendly surroundings. We welcome all children regardless of their athletic ability or skill.
We encourage each child to achieve their own personal best and aim to assist your child develop their sporting abilities as well as increase their fitness. Little Athletics is also a place to make new friends.
Little Athletics is run during the summer months. Our Club Competition nights are on Friday nights, starting at 6.30pm.
Each Club Competition night we do need parents to volunteer to help run an age group, record the results, help out in the canteen and unpack/pack up the equipment. Little Athletics centres do not operate without the assistance of parents and volunteers. We encourage all parents to help out to ensure that the Centre runs smoothly. We encourage all parents to become involved, especially parents who were Little Athletics members themselves or who competed in sports.
Little Athletics NSW is the governing body for all Little Athletics centres. Little Athletics is one of the very few sports where parents can be fully involved in their childrens sporting development and get involved beyond the spectator level.
COVID 19 Notice
Little Athletics NSW has been closely monitoring and evaluating developments regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), with advice being sourced daily from the Australian and NSW Health departments.
We follow the guidelines issued by LA NSW.
Largest Increase In registered Athletes Award
Austral Western Blues Little Athletics was awarded the “Largest Increase In Registered Athletes Award’ at the Little Athletics NSW 2019 Conference.
Thank you to all who have volunteered and helped our centre to grow.
We look forward to having you all back this season.
Together we can provide a supportive, encourgaing and friendly environment and grow our centre!
Have You Claimed Your Active Kid Voucher?
The NSW Government is helping kids get active with the Active Kids program.
The Active Kids program provides two (2) $100 vouchers for parents, guardians and carers of school-enrolled children to use towards sport and active recreation costs each year.
Voucher 1 is valid January to December and Voucher 2 is valid July to December.
Check Your Club Competition Results
Once the season has started you can log in to ResultsHQ and check your results for your events completed on Friday nights.
To log into ResultsHQ you will need your login details. These should be in your welcome email from LA NSW.
We need volunteers to help enter the results into the system, if you are available to help please contact us. Training is provided.
2022/2023 Season News & Updates
Important Dates
Sprints & Throws Training:
Check Our Facebook for dates/times
First Night Of The Season:
Trial and Orientation – Friday 9th September 2022.
Multiclass commence at 5:30pm.
Tiny tots and U6’s – U17’s commence at 6:30pm.
Registration Pack & Trophy Collection:
• Thursday 8th September 2022 5pm – 6pm
• Collect your registration pack, collect last seasons trophy, or order an uniform.
At Craik Park
Cnr 4th & 11th Avenue
Austral NSW 2179
Online Registrations:
Opens: 3rd August 2022
Details on our Registration Page
Existing Member Queries
If you are a registered member and have any queries at all, such as weather affecting Friday nights training, competitions, uniforms etc…you can email us.
Please be patient for our response as we are all volunteers and work.
If you need an answer asap please call us as this is the fastest way to reach us to have your query answered.
Competing In A Little Athletics Comp?
If you are competing in a competition outside of Friday nights club competition, you must ensure that your uniform has your age number, registration number and sponsorship badge on it .
Without a registration number, centre number or sponsor badge you will be unable to compete at an outside event.
Please ask a Committee member to help you locate them.
For New Parents
If your child is new to Little A’s and has never done any of the events before please give them time to get use to the events. If your child is joining an Age Group where the athletes have already been training for a season or 2, please reassure your child that soon they will know what to do like the other kids. It does take some time to run through each event as the events rotate each week.
For Returning Parents
Athletes need to register and pay for their fees online to get their Centre numbers & sponsorship badges. We have a ‘No Number/No Result policy. That is, athletes who do not have their centre numbers on their uniforms, will not have their results recorded. When athletes do not have their centre numbers displayed on their uniforms it makes the recording of the event results very difficult and time consuming and causes all events to run late. The Friday night volunteers are unable to remember all the athletes numbers.
Times and distances are entered into LA NSW Results software. They are entered via the athletes number, not name. If your child goes to Zone or Region they will need their full centre uniform on, centre numbers and sponsorship badges to be eligible to enter the competition.