All Little Athletics centres need parents and carers to volunteer to help run the Club Competition on Friday nights and to be on the Committee. Without parent volunteers a centre cannot operate. Our club at Austral is no different.
We do need parents to step and assist on Friday nights and to be on the Committee. A Committee is essential to enable the club to operate and meet Little Athletics NSW guidelines and Fair Trading.
On Friday nights we need parents to help with:
- Setting up equipment
- Being an Age Manager
- Operating the canteen or Bbq
- Recording times/time keeping
- Being a ‘Starter’ for the running events
- Packing up the equipment
We also need Committee Members to:
- Manage/Check equipment
- Manage uniform stock
- Record Club Competition results into the Little A’s software
- Be involved in fund raising/sponsorship
For parents who are sporty or have previous athletics experience there is also the opportunity to become a qualified Coach.
If you are interested in this please speak to a Committee Member to discuss or go to Little Athletics NSW to find out more.