Hot Weather Policy
At Western Blues we follow the guidelines as issued by Little Athletics NSW to ensure the health and safety of our athletes.
The Committee regularly monitors the conditions; both humidity and heat and our scheduled events will be adjusted as required by the guidelines.
Temperatures between 31-35 degrees at the time of competition, will require water stations to be set up on the field as well as water spray bottles to help cool athletes.
All distance races will be postponed and/or cancelled. Distances will be adjusted according to age & heat levels at the time. In temperatures 36 degrees and up with greater than 50% humidity, no events shall be run.
This could mean the entire night is cancelled, but no decision will be made until 6pm after the conditions on field have been assessed at the time.
The health and well-being of the athletes is our first priority. In the interest of their fun and enjoyment we will allow every opportunity for the conditions to change in favour competing.
On rainy nights, the decision to run or cancel the night will be made at 5pm. If the rain is on and off, the decision to cancel or run the night can be made from the field at 6pm.
Wet Weather Policy
Liverpool Council will advise if the grounds are open or closed due to wet weather.
Please call Liverpool City Council on 8711 7748 from 3.30pm onwards on the day to hear a recorded message.
The message is updated daily, and is current from 3:30pm for evening hire; and 9:30am for school use.
A message will be recorded on the wet-weather line by 3:30pm each day for sporting clubs; and 9:30am each day for schools.
A decision will not be made later than this by Council. You can visit their website here.
Hot Weather Guidelines Below: